Party Box


24 Delicious mini pupcakes, perfect to share with the whole class (doggy daycare).

What’s included:
1x Edible Happy Barkday sign
1x Your doggies name and age on the mini pupcakes

SKU: N/A Category: Tag:


Our gorgeous home-made Applesquish Pupcakes are made with locally sourced ingredients that benefit your pooch. (Our recipes are human grade. All fruit & veg based with no meat or wheat).

**Cinnamon can aid in inflammatory properties for your pooch, slow bacterial growth and it can even help older and obese dogs fight the risk of contracting diabetes, by regulating your dogs blood sugar and raising their insulin resistance. 

With NO added sugars, salts or preservatives, we absolutely know that your dog will love being spoilt with our Pupcakes.

Pupcakes will last up to 4 days in the fridge. (They freeze well).

***Please consult your vet if your dog may be allergic to any of our ingredients. Pupcakes Dog Bakery will not be held liable for any issues pertaining to your dog eating any of our recipes. Feed your dogs responsibly, don’t be silly if you know your dog has allergies. 

Please allow 4 days for pupcakes to be ready.

Additional information

Pupcakes for:

Her, Him


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